This is a classic dinner napkin fold, but it can be difficult to line up the corners in the cap. Some starch and an iron make it easier to be precise while folding this one.
Lay the napkin face down in front of you.
Fold the napkin in half diagonally.
Orient the napkin so the open end points away from you.
Fold the far-right corner up diagonally so that the point rests on top of the far corner. The edge of this new flap should lay right on the centre line.
Repeat step four on the other side, bringing the left-most corner up to meet the far corner, creating a diamond shape.
Flip the napkin over while keeping the open end pointing away from you.
Fold the bottom of the napkin up about 3/4’s of the way as shown and press the fold down well.
Flip the napkin over.
Curl both sites up so they meet in the middle and tuck one into the other.
Stand it up and straighten it out. If you have trouble keeping the points even, break out the iron and back track to the folds that mess up your alignment. Is it me or do these look like Egyptian headgear?