This is a neat fold to have sitting on your guests dinner plates, and it’s pretty easy. Use an iron for a nice finish.
Lay the napkin face-down in front of you.
Fold the two right corners of the napkin diagonally so the tips rest at the centre.
Fold the two left corners of the napkin diagonally so the tips meet the other two in the centre.
Fold the right side over so it’s edge rests on the napkins centre-line.
Fold the left side over to meet the last fold at the centre-line of the napkin.
Turn the napkin over.
Fold the top 1/4" – 1" down and press it with your iron. This will be the collar of the shirt.
Flip the napkin over again.
Fold both upper corners in diagonally, so the points meet in the centre at an angle to form the front collar of the shirt.
Take hold of the two corners in the centre of the napkin’s near side and fold them up and out diagonally – so the edges are almost parallel to the folds at the far end. These will become the sleeves.
Take hold of the near end of the napkin, and fold it up towards the collar, tucking it underneath the lower points of the collar and pressing it down.